
Left to Right: Ling Ting, John Capone, Paul Paolatto, Dan Sinai

WORLDiscoveries Expands Into China

on September 1, 2011

WORLDiscoveries is open for business in China.

The organization, a partnership between The University of Western Ontario, Robarts Research Institute and Lawson Health Research Institute, will open an office in the Jiangsu province in southern China in November. The office represents a new era in the organization, which has expanded to what is tentatively called WORLDiscoveries International.

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Fields of Gold

on August 1, 2011

From farm fields to lumber mills, a portable plant from Agri-Therm Inc. is ready to eat up the waste and spit out the oil

Jennifer MacDonald faced down the business moguls on CBC TV’s Dragons’ Den in 2006 and snagged a $200,000 investment for her Cenabal Gourmet Organics salad dressing in five minutes flat.

But securing $3 million in venture capital to build out a commercial green energy prototype is proving to be a much tougher proposition. “We are looking for money to accelerate the project,” says MacDonald, now the chief operating officer of Agri-Therm Inc., a company dedicated to developing, manufacturing and marketing portable equipment that produces bio-oils from agricultural waste. “And we really want to keep the investment in the company Canadian—and preferably from Ontario.”

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