
Introducing InnoVerify™

on December 17, 2014

WORLDiscoveries® is thrilled to announce the launch of our proprietary innovative e-commerce / impact-tracking portal InnoVerify™―a secure, streamlined marketplace that expedites the delivery and access of all digital innovations to the public.

InnoVerify™ captures the essence of simplicity and security: it provides our academics and clients with direct access to a growing body of digital creative works, including pdfs, music, e-books, software, toolkits and membership access to restricted content. The portal will double as a gatekeeper and an e-commerce engine; with an integrative approach, InnoVerify™ will fuse the registration, payment and download processes into one cohesive program―allowing users instant, continuous access to digital creative works without delay.

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ecommIntroducing InnoVerify™

Where are we going to patent?

on July 31, 2014

Developing a patenting strategy to protect the commercial embodiments of an invention can be a challenge.  The rights afforded by a single patent – to exclude others from making, using, selling, importing or distributing an invention without permission   do not extend beyond the borders of the country issuing the patent. As a result, deciding where to patent an invention is very important along with understanding the processes available to secure appropriate protection and how they may align with your commercial activities and future goals.

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ecommWhere are we going to patent?

Western’s Globally Top Ranked Research Parks

on July 31, 2014

For nearly three decades, Western Research Parks have served as a strong link between academics and commerce, and a key contributor to the movement of an idea or a discovery from concept to the marketplace.

Western University’s Research Parks (Discovery Park, Advanced Manufacturing Park and Sarnia-Lambton Research Park), have now been ranked 22nd in the world by Swedish research company UBI Index in its Global Top 25 University Business Incubators 2014. In its assessment of business incubators around the globe, UBI Index considers and measures three performance categories – contribution to the economic ecosystem, value to start-up clients and post-incubation performance of those start-ups.

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ecommWestern’s Globally Top Ranked Research Parks

Lawson discovery could save ‘millions’ from sepsis

on July 21, 2014

London’s medical research institute hopes a new project with an old friend will take seed in already fertile ground in China.

On Friday (July 18) Dr. David Hill, the scientific director of Lawson Health Research Institute, signed an agreement with the head of development at Yabao Pharmaceutical Group to fast-track the development of a drug that in animal trials boosted the chances of surviving sepsis by as much as 50 percent.

Sepsis is a leading killer worldwide, with about 18 million cases resulting in six million deaths each year, and Hill believes it’s underreported, possibly by tens of millions.

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ecommLawson discovery could save ‘millions’ from sepsis

Collider centre to accelerate research and development

on June 24, 2014

Western’s Collider Centre for Technology Commercialization (Collider) is anticipated to be one of North America’s go-to centres for research, testing and commercialization of advanced manufacturing technology.

The facility officially opened its doors Monday with the help of Gary Goodyear, Minister of State for FedDev Ontario, and Joe Preston, Member of Parliament for Elgin–Middlesex–London.

“What we have here is an opportunity you will not find anywhere else in North America,” said Goodyear, who spoke of the federal government’s commitment to supporting the manufacturing sector in southern Ontario, including the $200-million Advanced Manufacturing Fund, which is being delivered throughout Ontario.

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ecommCollider centre to accelerate research and development

WORLDiscoveries Asia Continues Growth

on April 15, 2014

In recent months WORLDiscoveries Asia has engaged in many activities, continuing its rapid growth as an international office.

This past February, WORLDiscoveries Asia has been recognized for helping the University of Guelph sign an exclusive Intellectual Property Option Agreement with a Jiangsu based Agri-Science company. The WORLDiscoveries Asia portfolio has also expanded while working with the University of Guelph and the Health Technology Exchange (HTX), a non-profit organization whose mandate is to promote the medical device sector.

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The first rule of inventor fight club…

on April 15, 2014

The first rule of invention is you do not talk about your invention – until you have appropriate patent applications filed. A prior disclosure by an inventor is often a bar to patentability that may limit the potential commercial return. The following provides a brief summary for you to consider before discussing your invention.

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ecommThe first rule of inventor fight club…

Startup Canada Awards – Nominations Now Open

on March 13, 2014

Startup Canada will recognize the movers and shakers of Canada’s entrepreneurship movement with a new awards program. The Startup Canada Awards will distinguish the individuals, communities, organizations and institutions in Canada that have demonstrated innovation, excellence, impact and outstanding achievement in advancing Canadian entrepreneurship.

“Starting a company is a difficult task; entrepreneurs need a variety of elements to be successful including mentorship, encouragement, talented people, funding and a network of contacts,” said Victoria Lennox, CEO of Startup Canada. “It is important to recognize and celebrate those working to advance entrepreneurship in Canada; increase awareness of the importance of strengthening Canada’s entrepreneurship ecosystem and culture; and, elevate the ambitions of the Canadian entrepreneurial community.”

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New broadcast service will be installed and maintained by London-based Cineplex Digital Networks

on January 31, 2014

Canada’s next TV network will come with coffee and doughnuts.

After a successful trial in London last year, Tim Hortons announced Wednesday it’s launching TimsTV, a national digital programming network broadcast to the iconic chain’s 2,200 Canadian restaurants.

The in-restaurant television network is expected to be rolled out at the end of February as a joint project between Tim Hortons and Cineplex Inc.

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ecommNew broadcast service will be installed and maintained by London-based Cineplex Digital Networks