
Chris Brenzel

on October 20, 2022

Chris has been with Hera BioLabs since its inception in 2015. He has extensive experience in scientific business development, market research, and licensing for startups and fast-growing technology-based contract research organizations.

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ecommChris Brenzel

Matthew Hebb

on October 20, 2022

Dr. Hebb is currently leading a working group in Glioblastoma. This is a new research initiative lead by Dr. Hebb and Dr John Ronald to establish an investigator network from Western University, Robarts Research Institute, LHRI and external academic centres in the pursuit of collaborative pilot studies.

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ecommMatthew Hebb

Kirk Brown

on February 16, 2022

Kirk is the Senior Business Development Manager at WORLDiscoveries responsible for the Lawson Health Research Institute portfolio. He holds a MSc. in Pharmacology and Toxicology from Western.

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ecommKirk Brown